Monday, August 19, 2019

Happy Family


Do you dream to have a family like above☝...
I guess Yes.. Isn't it!!!

You must know dreaming is not enough. Actions & hardwork is very important too for achieving your dreams.

Remember this before dreaming for a family like above... 👇

An-Nur 24:26


Corrupt women are for corrupt men, and corrupt men are for corrupt women; good women are for good men and good men are for good women."


خبیﺚ عورتیں خبیﺚ مردوں کے ﻻئق ہیں اور خبیﺚ مرد خبیﺚ عورتوں کے ﻻئق ہیں اور پاک عورتیں پاک مردوں کے ﻻئق ہیں اور پاک مرد پاک عورتوں کے ﻻئق ہیں۔


_If you are not righteous, constantly commit sins, disobedient to Allah's commandments & after all this still non willing to change your life..._

Then don't dream that family is not for you...

But if you change yourself and made better person then in shaa Allah you may get a family way better than above...

Facebook page: That's Why I Love ISLAM

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That's Why I Love ISLAM

Qur'anic Ayat of The DAY by Thats Why I Love ISLAM - #ThatsWhyILoveISLAM